Main Points In Hindi (मुख्य बातें – हिंदी में)
Animal Census in Alirajpur: The 21st livestock census is taking place in Alirajpur district, managed by the Animal Husbandry and Dairy Department with a team of 49 enumerators and 10 supervisors conducting the counting across all villages.
Use of Technology: This year, the census is being conducted using an online app, allowing departmental staff to collect data on various animal breeds, including cows, buffaloes, goats, and poultry, through door-to-door counting.
Previous Census Data: The previous animal census, conducted six years ago, reported a total of 362,015 cattle, 73,417 buffaloes, and 498,099 goats in the district, providing a benchmark for the current data collection efforts.
Updates on Agricultural Policies: The report briefly mentions ongoing discussions in the Lok Sabha regarding significant increases in the minimum support price (MSP) for crops, highlighting the importance of policy developments for the agricultural sector.
- Information and Subscription Options: The article invites readers to subscribe to Krishak Jagat for more agricultural news and updates and provides links for accessing the e-paper and the English version of the website.
Main Points In English(मुख्य बातें – अंग्रेज़ी में)
Here are the main points from the article about the livestock census in Alirajpur district from the Krishak Jagat newspaper:
Ongoing Livestock Census: The 21st livestock census is being conducted in Alirajpur district by the Animal Husbandry and Dairy Department, involving 49 enumerators and 10 supervisors.
Use of Technology: This census is being executed using an online app, allowing enumerators to collect data on various livestock breeds directly from door-to-door visits in all villages.
Previous Census Data: The census from six years ago recorded substantial livestock numbers, including 362,015 cattle, 73,417 buffalo, and 498,099 goats in the district.
Data Collection: Enumerators are tasked with counting a variety of animals, including cows, bulls, buffaloes, goats, donkeys, roosters, and hens.
- Encouragement to Engage: The article encourages readers to stay updated on agricultural news through various platforms and offers subscriptions to the Krishak Jagat newspaper for more detailed agricultural practices and technologies.

Complete News In Hindi(पूरी खबर – हिंदी में)
कृषक जगत | राष्ट्रीय कृषि हिंदी समाचार पत्र
07 दिसंबर 2024, आलिराजपुर, आलिराजपुर जिले में जानवरों की गिनती जारी – जानवरों की 21वीं जनगणना पशुपालन एवं डेयरी विभाग द्वारा 49 फील्ड स्टाफ और 10 पर्यवेक्षकों की सहायता से जिले के सभी गांवों में की जा रही है।
पशुपालन के उप निदेशक, डॉ. जीएस सोलंकी ने बताया कि इस बार जनगणना का कार्य ऑनलाइन ऐप के माध्यम से किया जा रहा है। विभाग का स्टाफ सभी गांवों में घर-घर जाकर जानवरों की गिनती करेगा। डेटा ऐप के माध्यम से गाय, बैल, भैंस, बकरी, गधा, मुर्गा, मुर्गी और अन्य पालतू जानवरों की प्रजातियों के अनुसार एकत्र किया जाएगा।
जानकारी देते हुए पशुपालन के उप निदेशक ने बताया कि छह साल पहले हुई 20वीं जनगणना में जिले में 3,62,015 गायें, 73,417 भैंसें और 4,98,099 बकरियाँ गिनी गई थीं।

(कृषी संबंधी ताज़ा समाचारों और अपडेट्स के लिए अपने पसंदीदा प्लेटफार्म पर कृषक जगत से जुड़ें – गूगल न्यूज, टेलीग्राम, व्हाट्सएप)
(कृषक जगत समाचार पत्र की सदस्यता लेने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें – घर बैठे कृषि की विस्तृत जानकारी और नई तकनीकों के बारे में पढ़ें)
कृषक जगत ई-पेपर पढ़ने के लिए नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें:
कृषक जगत की अंग्रेजी वेबसाइट पर जाने के लिए नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें:
इस पोस्ट का शीर्षक था: आलिराजपुर जिले में जानवरों की गिनती जारी है।
Complete News In English(पूरी खबर – अंग्रेज़ी में)
KRISHAK JAGAT | National Agriculture Hindi Newspaper
07 December 2024, Alirajpur, Counting of animals continues in Alirajpur district – The 21st livestock census is being done by the Animal Husbandry and Dairy Department through 49 enumerators and 10 supervisors in all the villages of the district.
Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry, Dr. GS Solanki said that this time the work of animal census is being done through online app. The departmental staff engaged in animal census will count animals from door to door in all the villages of the district. Data will be collected through the app by counting breed wise numbers of cow/bull/buffalo/goat/donkey/rooster/hen and other pet animals in the district.
Giving information, Deputy Director of Animal Husbandry said that in the 20th animal census six years ago, 362015 cattle of cattle, 73417 cattle of buffalo and 498099 goats were counted in the district.
(For latest agricultural news and updates, connect with the farming world on your favorite platform – Google News, Telegram, WhatsApp)
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