Milking Machine: Why is milking machine necessary for dairy, know its benefits and price | (दूधदूध मशीन: डेरी के लिए आवश्यक, जानें फायदें और मूल्य!)
Main Points In Hindi (मुख्य बातें - हिंदी में) यहाँ पर दूध…
Dairy Business: Couldn’t earn good money even by opening a dairy for years, make these three changes immediately | (दूध व्यवसाय में सुधार: तुरंत करें ये 3 बदलाव!)
Main Points In Hindi (मुख्य बातें - हिंदी में) यहाँ पर दिए…
Dairy Business: You will not be able to become rich by just selling milk, dairy farmers should earn money in these ways also | (“दूध बेचने से नहीं पहुंचेगें अमीर, ऐसे करें कमाई!”)
Main Points In Hindi (मुख्य बातें - हिंदी में) यहाँ पर मुख्य…
Dairy Cattle: 3 special things related to Gir Cow that you might not know? That’s why it is the first choice of dairy farmers | (गौ माता: गिर गाय के 3 अनोखे गुण, जानें क्यों है पसंद!)
Main Points In Hindi (मुख्य बातें - हिंदी में) यहां में दिए…
Keep any animal but keep these 5 things in mind, otherwise it will cause unwanted loss. | (जानवर पालें, पर ये 5 बातें न भूलें वरना नुकसान होगा।)
Main Points In Hindi (मुख्य बातें - हिंदी में) यहाँ पशुपालन से…
Dairy Farming: Check these three things before buying cows and buffaloes, otherwise your money will go down the drain. | (गाय-भैंस खरीदने से पहले ये 3 बातें जानें, वरना पैसा बर्बाद!)
Main Points In Hindi (मुख्य बातें - हिंदी में) डیری फार्मिंग शुरू…
Dairy Farming: These are the names and specialties of the top 3 breeds of buffaloes for dairy, also understand the important things. | (डेयरी के लिए शीर्ष 3 भैंस नस्लें और उनके विशेषताएँ!)
Main Points In Hindi (मुख्य बातें - हिंदी में) यहाँ दिए गए…
Animal Husbandry: If you are going to buy a cow or buffalo, then give money only after thoroughly examining these 15 points. | (गाय या भैंस खरीदने से पहले ये 15 बातें जांचें!)
Main Points In Hindi (मुख्य बातें - हिंदी में) यहां दिए गए…