Main Points In Hindi (मुख्य बातें – हिंदी में)
यहां "नेब्रास्का स्टेटवाइड आर्बोरेटम पुरस्कार" समारोह पर चर्चा की गई कुछ मुख्य बातें इस प्रकार हैं:
समारोह का महत्व: हैना पिन्नेओ, जो नॉर्थसाइद आर्बोरेटम (NSA) के कार्यकारी निदेशक हैं, ने कहा कि इस पुरस्कार समारोह का आयोजन हर साल के सबसे अच्छे दिन के रूप में करते हैं, जहां वे उन व्यक्तियों और संगठनों को मान्यता देते हैं जो पेड़ लगाने और बगीचा बनाने में अपने जीवन का योगदान देते हैं।
पुरस्कार प्राप्तकर्ता: हाल ही में आयोजित कार्यक्रम में 11 व्यक्तियों और संगठनों को सम्मानित किया गया, जिसमें न्यूरसेरी प्रबंधन, सेवा पुरस्कार, और शैक्षिक पुरस्कार शामिल थे, जो पारिस्थितिकी और बागवानी में उनके अद्भुत कार्यों को मान्यता देते हैं।
स्थानीय समुदाय का योगदान: पिन्नेओ ने उल्लेख किया कि ये पुरस्कार इस बात का प्रतीक हैं कि कैसे एक व्यक्ति या संस्था प्रयास करके एक महत्वपूर्ण अंतर ला सकती है, चाहे वह किसी प्रोजेक्ट में सहयोग करके हो या व्यक्तिगत रूप से कार्य करके।
विशिष्ट पुरस्कारों का विवरण: पुरस्कारों में शामिल हैं – ‘रिचर्ड गिल्बर्ट’ को राष्ट्रपति का पुरस्कार, ‘बिल पॉस्पिचल’ को रोन योडर सेवा पुरस्कार, और ‘बॉब फ़्यूरेर’ को सहयोगी उत्कृष्टता पुरस्कार, जो विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में उनके अद्वितीय योगदान के लिए दिए गए।
- प्राकृतिक और स्थानीय पौधों की बढ़ती जागरूकता: कार्यक्रम में बागवानी के क्षेत्र में विशेष रूप से स्थानीय और देशी पौधों के महत्व को बढ़ाने के लिए नवाचारों और तकनीकों की चर्चा की गई, जो पर्यावरण और अनुकूलनशीलता के लिए आवश्यक हैं।
इस समारोह ने न केवल पुरस्कार प्राप्तकर्ताओं को मान्यता दी, बल्कि स्थानीय समुदाय में पर्यावरण संरक्षण और स्थायी विकास के प्रति जागरूकता भी बढ़ाई।

Main Points In English(मुख्य बातें – अंग्रेज़ी में)
Nebraska Statewide Arboretum Awards Reception: The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum (NSA) recently held its annual awards reception in Lincoln, celebrating the contributions of individuals and organizations dedicated to tree planting and gardening throughout Nebraska.
Honorees Recognized: At the event, 11 individuals and organizations were honored for their exceptional work in promoting environmental stewardship, conservation, and education in the field of horticulture. Notable awards included the President’s Citation awarded to Richard Gilbert and the Ron Yoder Service Award to Bill Pospichal.
Community Impact: Executive Director Hanna Pinneo emphasized the importance of the awards as a way to show the significant impact individuals can have in their communities, whether through collaborative efforts or individual initiatives. This recognition inspires others to contribute positively to their local environments.
Diverse Contributions: The recipients of the various awards represent a range of efforts—from educational initiatives in schools to significant contributions in professional horticulture, demonstrating the diverse ways in which people are making a difference in Nebraska’s ecology.
- Continued Engagement and Vision: The event serves not only to acknowledge past achievements but also to foster ongoing commitment to sustainability and community improvement, aligning with the NSA’s mission to enhance green spaces across the state.
Complete News In Hindi(पूरी खबर – हिंदी में)
Hanna Pinneo says the day of the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum awards reception is the best of the year for her organization.
“We get to award people from across the state who have been doing the work of tree planting and garden making sometimes their whole life,” said Pinneo, the executive director of NSA.
The group honored 11 individuals and organizations at its most recent event at First Plymouth Congregational Church in Lincoln.
The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum 2024 award winners, from left to right: Tom Wheeldon, Ken Franzen, Jim Keepers, Dan Hansen, John Wolk, Dave Kovar, Missy Ragatz, Jerry Imig, Bill Pospichal, Bob Feurer, Terri James, Richard Gilbert, Steve Brey, Bruce Hoffman, Cathy Prettyman and Brian and Heather Byers.
Pinneo said it’s always amazing to see what people can accomplish. The reception is a chance to share those accomplishments.
“They help people see that any individual person can make a difference whether it’s pulling people together to do a project or doing it on their own, they show how it can be done,” she said.
The following recipients were honored:
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President’s Citation
Richard Gilbert is nursery manager at the Charles E. Bessey Nursery in Halsey. He oversees the production of 2.7 million container and bareroot seedlings each year, which are used in reforestation, restoration and conservation plantings in Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota and Kansas. Gilbert also manages the nursery’s seed bank, which houses 14,000 pounds of seed that serves as a critical storehouse in case of a catastrophic event such as wildfire or insect infestation.
Ron Yoder Service Award
Bill Pospichal of Elkhorn is a former NSA board member who was instrumental in re-establishing the executive director role for the organization and re-envisioning the annual Spring Affair plant sale into the successful fundraising event it is today. Bill and his wife, Jennifer, continue to be passionate supporters of NSA.
Affiliate Excellence Award
Franklin-Cotterell Greens Arboretum at North Bend High School and Curator Bob Feurer. A longtime science teacher, Feurer initiated the arboretum on the school’s grounds to enrich his students’ science experiences through tree planting and tree care. Today the arboretum includes more than 1,000 plants and trees, as well as a wheelchair accessible paved path around the 22-acre site.
Johnny Appleseed Award
Steve Brey of Raymond recently retired from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission after a 30-year career, during which he helped to grow and plant thousands of trees that were subsequently planted across Nebraska in various state parks and wildlife management area locations. Many of these trees came from the Nebraska Game and Parks Branched Oak Nursery that Brey helped support and care for over many seasons.
Jim Kluck Honor Award
Heather and Brian Byers are owners of Great Plains Nursery near Weston. The Byers are leaders in developing nursery production methods favoring root quality, including the use of grow bags that help prevent circling roots and stem-girdling root. Great Plains Nursery is also the only Nebraska nursery that is focused on native and locally collected seeds for production of trees and shrubs, which has greatly improved availability of native and hardy-proven plants in the state.
Educator Award
Terri James and Tom Wheeldon, of Lincoln. James is an associate extension educator with Nebraska Extension in UNL’s Department of Agronomy and Horticulture; state coordinator for the Extension Master Gardener Volunteer program; co-supervisor of the Backyard Farmer garden on UNL’s East Campus; co-advisor for the UNL Horticulture Club and coordinator of the Extension Master Gardener’s contribution to the Growing Together Nebraska program. She is also passionate about increasing food security and promoting access to healthy food. In collaboration with the Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Campus program, James and her team raise, harvest and donate nearly 1,000 pounds of produce annually to local food banks.
Wheeldon taught agriculture education and ag bioscience at Schuyler Central High School and was the FFA Advisor there for 34 years before transitioning to The Career Academy, where he was the FFA advisor and taught ag bioscience for Southeast Community College for nine years. Under his leadership, Career Academy FFA students collaborated with experts from Southeast Community College, UNL, Nebraska Statewide Arboretum and the local business community to install a number of pollinator gardens and edible and waterwise landscapes around Lincoln.
Blazing Star Award
Cathy Prettyman was instrumental in the implementation of four native plant gardens in Blair: the Black Elk Neihardt Park Pollinator Garden, the Main Street revitalization project, a pollinator garden at Fort Atkinson and a Master Gardener planting project at the Blair Library. In addition to designing and installing gardens, Prettyman has been a passionate advocate and educator, leading guided native plant tours, volunteering and presenting at events and workshops, engaging in citizen science for monarch tagging and bird and butterfly counts and sharing her knowledge with friends, neighbors and anyone else who is interested in native plants.
Volunteer Award
Ken Franzen volunteers at Prairie Loft in Hastings and is one of the original “founders” of Prairie Loft in 2000. After a brief stint in California, he found himself back in Hastings, where he picked up his dedicated work once again. At 78 years young, he can often be found around the property, diligently watering and pruning trees. Over the past 12 years, Franzen has planted more than 100 trees on site, been involved in invasive species and dead tree removal projects and helped to develop the organization’s five-year tree plan.
Community Landscape Award
Bruce Hoffman and Gretna Arbor Society. Hoffman is a certified arborist and nurseryman who has been helping to beautify his hometown of Genoa for many years through his tree planting and landscaping efforts. He has planted dozens of trees at Genoa, Friends and Sunnyside Cemeteries; guided the tree planting and landscaping improvements around the athletic fields of the local high school; and organized a memorial tree planting with the Genoa U.S. Indian School Foundation. He’s also spent many hours volunteering for and organizing Saluting Branches, a non-profit organization that provides landscaping and tree care services to veterans’ cemeteries.
The Gretna Arbor Society, formerly known as the Gretna Tree Board, was formed in 1988. Under the organization’s leadership, Gretna has been designated a Tree City USA for 37 years and has received the Arbor Day Foundation’s Growth Award for 27 years. Gretna Arbor Society has overseen the planting of thousands of trees in the Gretna area, organized dozens of workshops and events and sponsored several board members to attend arborists school on scholarship to attain their Nebraska Arborist Certification.
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Complete News In English(पूरी खबर – अंग्रेज़ी में)
According to Hanna Pinneo, the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum awards reception is the highlight of their year.
“We honor individuals and organizations from all over the state who have dedicated their lives to planting trees and creating gardens,” said Pinneo, the executive director of the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum (NSA).
During their latest event at First Plymouth Congregational Church in Lincoln, the group recognized 11 recipients.
The 2024 award winners of the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum are, from left to right: Tom Wheeldon, Ken Franzen, Jim Keepers, Dan Hansen, John Wolk, Dave Kovar, Missy Ragatz, Jerry Imig, Bill Pospichal, Bob Feurer, Terri James, Richard Gilbert, Steve Brey, Bruce Hoffman, Cathy Prettyman, and Brian and Heather Byers.
Pinneo expressed how incredible it is to witness the achievements of these individuals and organizations. The event allows everyone to celebrate these successes.
“They demonstrate that anyone can make a difference, whether through collaborative projects or their own efforts,” she mentioned.
The following people received awards:
President’s Citation
Richard Gilbert is the nursery manager at the Charles E. Bessey Nursery in Halsey. He manages the annual production of 2.7 million seedlings used for reforestation and restoration in several states, including Nebraska and Colorado. Gilbert is also responsible for a seed bank containing 14,000 pounds of seed, critical for recovery after events like wildfires.
Ron Yoder Service Award
Bill Pospichal from Elkhorn is a former NSA board member who played a key role in redefining the organization’s executive director position and transforming the annual plant sale into a successful fundraising event. He and his wife, Jennifer, continue to support the NSA passionately.
Affiliate Excellence Award
The Franklin-Cotterell Greens Arboretum at North Bend High School, curated by Bob Feurer, was also recognized. Feurer, a dedicated science teacher, started the arboretum to enhance his students’ education through tree planting and care. It now features over 1,000 plants and a wheelchair-accessible path in a 22-acre space.
Johnny Appleseed Award
Steve Brey, who recently retired from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, has spent a 30-year career planting thousands of trees across various state parks in Nebraska. Many of these trees were nurtured at the Branched Oak Nursery, which he supported throughout his tenure.
Jim Kluck Honor Award
Heather and Brian Byers own Great Plains Nursery near Weston. They are pioneers in developing nursery techniques that enhance root quality using grow bags to avoid root circling. Their nursery uniquely emphasizes locally sourced seeds to produce trees and shrubs, improving the availability of native plants in Nebraska.
Educator Award
Terri James and Tom Wheeldon, both based in Lincoln, were honored. James is an associate extension educator at Nebraska Extension, coordinating multiple community gardening programs and working to improve local food security. Wheeldon, a former agriculture teacher, worked on numerous community green projects while mentoring students.
Blazing Star Award
Cathy Prettyman led the creation of four native plant gardens in Blair, focusing on education and community involvement in native plant conservation.
Volunteer Award
Ken Franzen, a dedicated volunteer at Prairie Loft in Hastings, has helped plant over 100 trees and participate in various environmental projects since helping found the organization in 2000.
Community Landscape Award
Bruce Hoffman and the Gretna Arbor Society received this recognition for their extensive tree planting and landscaping efforts in Genoa and the surrounding areas.